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Procedure Design

Good procedures are more than just another risk control - they support good performance. We have extensive experience of assisting clients to improve the quality of their procedures and reduce error.

Who's it for?

Anyone who prepares, manages or approves procedures can benefit from our expertise. Our focus is on operational, maintenance and emergency procedures (or work instructions).

Our clients conduct operations in many different sectors, including chemical processing, transport, oil and gas, and energy/ utilities.


We offer guidance and support on designing and developing usable procedures. We are experts in designing procedures for safety critical tasks. Our popular procedures training courses assist you with filtering this learning into your organisation. Our support enables you to:

  • develop usable procedures that people will follow and are compliant with regulatory requirements
  • reduce error potential and non-compliance
  • increase operational efficiency

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Poorly developed or presented procedures are often cited as a contributor to major accidents. We support clients to develop well-designed procedures that enable error-free performance.

We offer training courses and coaching, preparation of guidance documents and templates and reviews/ re-writes of procedures. Procedure design is not just about what it looks like, it is also about getting the content and expression right. The development process and the principles of good information presentation are essential. Our aim is to enhance understanding, enable compliance and reduce errors when using procedures. A well-designed procedure makes a big difference to task performance.

Our standard procedures course is two days. On day 1 we cover why the approach is important in relation to major accidents and human behaviour. We outline the process and enable delegates to learn and practice key elements of the building blocks for developing procedures. On day 2 we cover the principles of presentation with several exercises to embed the learning. Delegates are given time to practice the new skills, using worked examples from their own organisation.