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The Keil Centre’s Coaching Psychologists provide 1-to-1 coaching and coaching skills training.

Who's it for?

Managers and leaders who are interested in working with a trusted professional coach on the following aspects:

  • building self-awareness & managing personal impact
  • leadership effectiveness
  • career management
  • safety leadership
  • resilience and wellbeing
  • relationship management


The Keil Centre’s coaching psychologists work with you in trusted partnership. We offer:

  • high quality input from trained and accredited Coaching Psychologists;
  • structured, goal-focused conversations supported by evidence-based reference materials, guidance notes and exercises
  • experienced coaching psychologists who are also subject-matter experts in resilience, leadership and team development
  • a compendium of techniques, tools, self help activities and reflective exercises from which to draw.

Find out more

Our team are happy to provide more information. Please click on the relevant button below to contact us.

Effective conversations are powerful generators of change; they can generate fresh insights, spark new ideas and ignite the motivation needed to start and maintain changes in habits and behaviours. At The Keil Centre, we understand how to leverage impactful coaching conversations to achieve positive change that is meaningful to the individual and their goals and sustainable over time.

The Keil Centre’s coaches are Chartered and Registered psychologists with specific coaching skills as well as considerable expertise in leadership, career and personal development. As coaches, we use active listening and supportive challenge to enhance self-awareness and help clients progress towards their goals. Our clients also benefit from our deeper understanding of adult personality, strengths-based leadership, team dynamics, safety leadership and personal resilience. We maintain the highest professional standards in our coaching practice through supervision, regular Continuing Professional Development, and membership of relevant accreditation bodies, such as the International Society for Coaching Psychologists.

Meet the team

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